
This file contains the definitions to create a TAMOC simulation in GNOME and run the simulation in a seemless integration with GNOME.



Models a TAMOC spill by combining the near-field model with Release

Module Contents

class gnome.tamoc.tamoc_spill.TamocSpill(num_elements=1000, num_per_timestep=None, start_position=(0.0, 0.0, 1000.0),, release_rate=0.0, release_duration=timedelta(hours=1), units='bbl/day', substance=None, release=None, water=None, gor=None, d0=0.0, phi_0=-np.pi / 2.0, theta_0=0.0, windage_range=(0.01, 0.04), windage_persist=900, on=True, name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: gnome.spills.spill.Spill

Models a TAMOC spill by combining the near-field model with Release and Substance objects

# This really should be based in a BaseSpill Class!

Spills used by the gnome model. It contains a release object, which releases elements. It also contains a Substance which contains the type of substance spilled and it initializes data arrays to non-default values (non-zero).

  • release (derived from Release) – an object defining how elements are to be released

  • substance (derived from Substance) – an object defining the substance of this spill. Defaults to NonWeatheringSubstance

Optional parameters (kwargs):

  • name (str) – Human-usable Name of this spill

  • on=True – Toggles the spill on/off.

  • amount=None – mass or volume of oil spilled.

  • units=None – must provide units for amount spilled.

  • amount_uncertainty_scale=0.0 – scale value in range 0-1 that adds uncertainty to the spill amount. Maximum uncertainty scale is (2/3) * spill_amount.


Define either volume or mass in ‘amount’ attribute and provide appropriate ‘units’.

release_time = None
end_release_time = None
start_position = None
num_elements = None
property substance
release = None
frac_coverage = 1.0

rewinds the release to original status (before anything has been released).