
release objects that define how elements are released. A Spill() objects is composed of a release object and an ElementType





Fundamental building block of schemas.


base class for Release classes.


The primary spill source class -- a release of floating


A release of elements into a set of provided polygons.


A PolygonRelease subclass that has functions and data specifically for


continuous release of elements from specified positions


The primary spill source class -- a release of floating


An Underwater Plume spill class -- a continuous release of particles,


release object that sets the initial state of particles from a previously


GridRelease(release_time, bounds, resolution)

Utility function that creates a release with a grid of elements.

release_from_splot_data(release_time, filename)

Initialize a release object from a text file containing splots.

Module Contents

class gnome.spills.release.StartPositions(*args, **kw)

Bases: colander.SequenceSchema

Fundamental building block of schemas.

The constructor accepts these positional arguments:

  • typ: The ‘type’ for this node. It should be an instance of a class that implements the colander.interfaces.Type interface. If typ is not passed, a call to the schema_type() method on this class is made to get a default type. (When subclassing, schema_type() should be overridden to provide a reasonable default type).

  • *children: a sequence of subnodes. If the subnodes of this node are not known at construction time, they can later be added via the add method.

The constructor accepts these keyword arguments:

  • name: The name of this node.

  • typ: The ‘type’ for this node can optionally be passed in as a keyword argument. See the documentation for the positional arg above.

  • default: The default serialization value for this node when not set. If default is colander.drop, the node will be dropped from schema serialization. If not provided, the node will be serialized to colander.null.

  • missing: The default deserialization value for this node. If it is not provided, the missing value of this node will be the special marker value colander.required, indicating that it is considered ‘required’. When missing is colander.required, the required computed attribute will be True. When missing is colander.drop, the node is dropped from the schema if it isn’t set during deserialization.

  • missing_msg: Optional error message to be used if the value is required and missing.

  • preparer: Optional preparer for this node. It should be an object that implements the colander.interfaces.Preparer interface.

  • validator: Optional validator for this node. It should be an object that implements the colander.interfaces.Validator interface.

  • after_bind: A callback which is called after a clone of this node has ‘bound’ all of its values successfully. This callback is useful for performing arbitrary actions to the cloned node, or direct children of the cloned node (such as removing or adding children) at bind time. A ‘binding’ is the result of an execution of the bind method of the clone’s prototype node, or one of the parents of the clone’s prototype nodes. The deepest nodes in the node tree are bound first, so the after_bind methods of the deepest nodes are called before the shallowest. The after_bind callback should accept two values: node and kw. node will be a clone of the bound node object, kw will be the set of keywords passed to the bind method.

  • title: The title of this node. Defaults to a titleization of the name (underscores replaced with empty strings and the first letter of every resulting word capitalized). The title is used by higher-level systems (not by Colander itself).

  • description: The description for this node. Defaults to '' (the empty string). The description is used by higher-level systems (not by Colander itself).

  • widget: The ‘widget’ for this node. Defaults to None. The widget attribute is not interpreted by Colander itself, it is only meaningful to higher-level systems such as Deform.

  • insert_before: if supplied, it names a sibling defined by a superclass for its parent node; the current node will be inserted before the named node. It is not useful unless a mapping schema is inherited from another mapping schema, and you need to control the ordering of the resulting nodes.

Arbitrary keyword arguments remaining will be attached to the node object unmolested.

class gnome.spills.release.Release(release_time=None, num_elements=None, num_per_timestep=None, end_release_time=None, custom_positions=None, release_mass=0, retain_initial_positions=False, **kwargs)

Bases: gnome.gnomeobject.GnomeId

base class for Release classes.

It contains interface for Release objects

Required Arguments:

  • release_time (datetime.datetime or iso string.) – time the LEs are released

  • custom_positions (iterable of (lon, lat, z)) – initial location(s) the elements are released

Optional arguments:


Either num_elements or num_per_timestep must be given. If both are None, then it defaults to num_elements=1000. If both are given a TypeError is raised because user can only specify one or the other, not both.

  • num_elements (integer) – total number of elements to be released

  • num_per_timestep – fixed number of LEs released at each timestep

  • end_release_time=None – optional – for a time varying release, the end release time. If None, then release is instantaneous

  • release_mass=0 – optional. This is the mass released in kilograms.

  • retain_initial_positions (boolean) – Optional. If True, each LE will retain information about its originally released position

property num_elements
release_time = None
property end_release_time
property release_mass
custom_positions = None
retain_initial_positions = False
property centroid
property num_per_timestep
property release_duration

duration over which particles are released in seconds


Returns the ratio


This function returns the maximum error in mass present in the model at any given time. In theory, this should be the mass of 1 LE


calculates how many time steps it takes to complete the release duration

generate_release_timeseries(num_ts, max_release, ts)

Release timeseries describe release behavior as a function of time. _release_ts describes the number of LEs that should exist at time T PolygonRelease does not have a _pos_ts because it uses start_positions only All use TimeseriesData objects.


Returns the number of elements expected to exist at current_time. Returns 0 if prepare_for_model_run has not been called. :param current_time: time of release :type current_time: datetime


ts – timestep as integer seconds

initialize_LEs(to_rel, sc, start_time, end_time)

set positions for new elements added by the SpillContainer


this releases all the elements at their initial positions at the end_time

initialize_LEs_post_substance(to_rel, sc, start_time, end_time, environment)
class gnome.spills.release.PointLineRelease(release_time=None, start_position=None, num_elements=None, num_per_timestep=None, end_release_time=None, end_position=None, release_mass=0, **kwargs)

Bases: Release

The primary spill source class – a release of floating non-weathering particles, can be instantaneous or continuous, and be released at a single point, or over a line.

Required Arguments:

  • release_time (datetime.datetime) – time the LEs are released (datetime object)

  • start_position (3-tuple of floats (long, lat, z)) – initial location the elements are released

Optional arguments:


Either num_elements or num_per_timestep must be given. If both are None, then it defaults to num_elements=1000. If both are given a TypeError is raised because user can only specify one or the other, not both.

  • num_elements (integer) – total number of elements to be released

  • num_per_timestep – fixed number of LEs released at each timestep

  • end_release_time=None – optional – for a time varying release, the end release time. If None, then release is instantaneous

  • end_position=None – optional. For moving source, the end position If None, then release from a point source

  • release_mass=0 – optional. This is the mass released in kilograms.

property start_position
property end_position
property is_pointsource

if end_position - start_position == 0, point source otherwise it is a line source


True if point source, false otherwise

property centroid
generate_release_timeseries(num_ts, max_release, ts)

Release timeseries describe release behavior as a function of time. _release_ts describes the number of LEs that should exist at time T _pos_ts describes the spill position at time T All use TimeseriesData objects.


ts – timestep as integer seconds

initialize_LEs(to_rel, sc, start_time, end_time)

Initializes the mass and position for to_rel new LEs. :param data: spill container with data arrays :param to_rel: number of elements to initialize :param start_time: initial time of release :param end_time: final time of release

class gnome.spills.release.PolygonRelease(filename=None, features=None, polygons=None, weights=None, thicknesses=None, **kwargs)

Bases: Release

A release of elements into a set of provided polygons.

When X particles are determined to be released, they are into the polygons randomly. For each LE, pick a polygon, weighted by it’s proportional area and place the LE randomly within it. By default the PolygonRelease uses simple area for polygon weighting. Other classes (NESDISRelease for example) may use other weighting functions.

Required Arguments:

  • release_time (datetime.datetime) – time the LEs are released (datetime object)

  • polygons (list of shapely.Polygon or shapely.MultiPolygon.) – polygons to use in this release

Optional arguments:

  • filename (string name of a zip file. Polygons loaded are concatenated after polygons from kwarg) – (optional) shapefile

  • weights – (optional) LE placement probability weighting for each polygon. Must be the same length as the polygons kwarg, and must sum to 1. If None, weights are generated at runtime based on area proportion.

  • num_elements (integer) – total number of elements to be released

  • num_per_timestep – fixed number of LEs released at each timestep

  • end_release_time=None – optional – for a time varying release, the end release time. If None, then release is instantaneous

  • release_mass=0 – optional. This is the mass released in kilograms.

property filename
property centroid
property features
property polygons
property thicknesses
property weights
property areas
get_polys_as_tris(polys, weights=None)

ts – timestep as integer seconds

initialize_LEs(to_rel, data, start_time, end_time)

set positions for new elements added by the SpillContainer


this releases all the elements at their initial positions at the end_time


Returns an array of lengths, and a list of line arrays. The first array sequentially indexes the second array. When the second array is split up using the first array and the resulting lines are drawn, you should end up with a picture of the polygons.

classmethod new_from_dict(dict_)

creates a new object from dictionary

This is base implementation and can be over-ridden by classes using this mixin

gnome.spills.release.GridRelease(release_time, bounds, resolution)

Utility function that creates a release with a grid of elements.

Only 2-d for now

  • bounds (2x2 numpy array or equivalent) –

    bounding box of region you want the elements in: ((min_lon, min_lat),

    (max_lon, max_lat))

  • resolution (integer) – resolution of grid – it will be a resolution X resolution grid

class gnome.spills.release.NESDISRelease(filename=None, features=None, **kwargs)

Bases: PolygonRelease

A PolygonRelease subclass that has functions and data specifically for representing NESDIS shapefiles within GNOME

  • filename (string filename) – NESDIS shapefile

  • feature (geojson.FeatureCollection) – FeatureCollection representation of a NESDIS shapefile

static load_nesdis(filename, release_time=None)
  1. load a nesdis shapefile

  2. Translates the time in the property array

  3. Add extra properties as necessary

filename should be a zipfile returns a geojson.FeatureCollection

property record_areas
property oil_types

Returns a dictionary representation of this object. Uses the schema to determine which attributes are put into the dictionary. No extra processing is done to each attribute. They are presented as is.

The json_ parameter is ignored in this base class. ‘save’ is passed in when the schema is saving the object. This allows an override of this function to do any custom stuff necessary to prepare for saving.

class gnome.spills.release.ContinuousPolygonRelease(release_time=None, start_positions=None, num_elements=10000, end_release_time=None, LE_timeseries=None, **kwargs)

Bases: PolygonRelease

continuous release of elements from specified positions NOTE 3/23/2021: THIS IS NOT FUNCTIONAL

  • num_elements – the total number of elements to release. note that this may be rounded to fit the number of release points

  • release_time (datetime.datetime) – the start of the release time

  • release_time – the end of the release time

  • start_positions ((num_positions, 3) tuple or numpy array of float64 -- (long, lat, z)) – locations the LEs are released

num_elements and release_time passed to base class __init__ using super See base Release documentation

property release_duration

duration over which particles are released in seconds


Returns the ratio

num_elements_to_release(current_time, time_step)

Return number of particles released in current_time + time_step

set_newparticle_positions(num_new_particles, current_time, time_step, data_arrays)

Set positions for new elements added by the SpillContainer

class gnome.spills.release.SubsurfaceRelease(distribution=None, distribution_type='droplet_size', release_time=None, start_position=None, num_elements=None, num_per_timestep=None, end_release_time=None, end_position=None, release_mass=0, **kwargs)

Bases: PointLineRelease

The primary spill source class – a release of floating non-weathering particles, can be instantaneous or continuous, and be released at a single point, or over a line.

released as PointLinearRelease with additional features

distribution = None
distribution_type = 'droplet_size'
initialize_LEs_post_substance(to_rel, sc, start_time, end_time, environment)
class gnome.spills.release.VerticalPlumeRelease(release_time=None, start_position=None, plume_data=None, end_release_time=None, **kwargs)

Bases: Release

An Underwater Plume spill class – a continuous release of particles, controlled by a contained spill generator object. - plume model generator will have an iteration method. This will provide flexible looping and list comprehension behavior.

  • num_elements (integer) – total number of elements to be released

  • start_position (3-tuple of floats (long, lat, z)) – initial location the elements are released

  • release_time (datetime.datetime) – time the LEs are released

  • start_positions ((num_elements, 3) numpy array of float64 -- (long, lat, z)) – locations the LEs are released

num_elements_to_release(current_time, time_step)

Return number of particles released in current_time + time_step

set_newparticle_positions(num_new_particles, current_time, time_step, data_arrays)

Set positions for new elements added by the SpillContainer

class gnome.spills.release.InitElemsFromFile(filename, release_time=None, index=None, time=None)

Bases: Release

release object that sets the initial state of particles from a previously output NetCDF file

Take a NetCDF file, which is an output of PyGnome’s outputter: NetCDFOutput, and use these dataarrays as initial condition for the release. The release sets not only ‘positions’ but also all other arrays it finds. Arrays found in NetCDF file but not in the SpillContainer are ignored. Optional arguments, index and time can be used to initialize the release from any other record in the NetCDF file. Default behavior is to use the last record in the NetCDF to initialize the release elements.


filename (str) – NetCDF file from which to initialize released elements

Optional arguments:

  • index=None (int) – index of the record from which to initialize the release elements. Default is to use -1 if neither time nor index is specified

  • time (datetime) – timestamp at which the data is desired. Looks in the netcdf data’s ‘time’ array and finds the closest time to this and use this data. If both ‘time’ and ‘index’ are None, use data for index = -1

num_elements_to_release(current_time, time_step)

all elements should be released in the first timestep unless start time is invalid. Start time is invalid if it is after the Spill’s releasetime

gnome.spills.release.release_from_splot_data(release_time, filename)

Initialize a release object from a text file containing splots. The file contains 3 columns with following data:

[longitude, latitude, num_LEs_per_splot/5000]

For each (longitude, latitude) release num_LEs_per_splot points