The substance is an abstraction for the various types of “things” one might model with pyGNOME.
The role of a substance is to:
Define what data is carried with the elements
Provide a way to initialize the elements
Optionally, provide tools to support computation during the run
for example, GnomeOil can compute changes in density, etc of the elements as the model runs.
A class for assigning a unique ID for an object |
A class for assigning a unique ID for an object |
Substance that can be used subsurface |
Module Contents¶
- class gnome.spills.substance.Substance(windage_range=None, windage_persist=None, standard_density=1000.0, *args, **kwargs)¶
A class for assigning a unique ID for an object
- Parameters:
windage_range (tuple of values between 0 and 1) – Range of windages for the substance (leeway). Default: (.01, .04)
windage_persist=900 – persistence of windage settings in seconds. -1 or Inf means infinite.
standard_density=1000.0 – The density of the substance, used to convert mass to/from volume
- property windage_range¶
- property windage_persist¶
- initializers¶
- property all_array_types¶
- Fixme: should the initializers be what holds the array types?
don’t we know that this should have already?
- property is_weatherable¶
- get_initializer_by_name(name)¶
get first initializer in list whose name matches ‘name’
- has_initializer(name)¶
Returns True if an initializer is present in the list which sets the data_array corresponding with ‘name’, otherwise returns False
- initialize_LEs(to_rel, arrs, environment=None)¶
:param to_rel - number of new LEs to initialize :param arrs - dict-like of data arrays representing LEs
- density_at_temp(temp=273.15)¶
For non-weathering substance, we just return the standard density.
- class gnome.spills.substance.NonWeatheringSubstance(windage_range=None, windage_persist=None, standard_density=1000.0, *args, **kwargs)¶
A class for assigning a unique ID for an object
- Parameters:
windage_range (tuple of values between 0 and 1) – Range of windages for the substance (leeway). Default: (.01, .04)
windage_persist=900 – persistence of windage settings in seconds. -1 or Inf means infinite.
standard_density=1000.0 – The density of the substance, used to convert mass to/from volume
- property is_weatherable¶
- initialize_LEs(to_rel, arrs, environment=None)¶
:param to_rel - number of new LEs to initialize :param arrs - dict-like of data arrays representing LEs
- class gnome.spills.substance.SubsurfaceSubstance(distribution, *args, **kwargs)¶
Substance that can be used subsurface
key feature is that it initializes rise velocity from a distribution
Note: this should probably be part of a Release Object, not a Substance.
- Parameters:
distribution='UniformDistribution' – which distribution to use
Note: distribution should return values in m/s
See gnome.utilities.distributions for details