


Using Huibers & Katrisky for solubility.

Module Contents

class gnome.utilities.weathering.huibers_lehr.HuibersLehr

Bases: object

Using Huibers & Katrisky for solubility. Using EPA report (2012), and tweaking by Bill so that results better match measured values, to estimate the correlation between a specific aromatic hydrocarbon’s density and molecular weight with its partition coefficient.

rho_arom = density of aromatic mol_wt = molecular weight S_w = solubility

S_w = Huibers(rho_arom, mol_wt) k_ow = 5.45 * s**(-.89) (EPA) k_ow = 10 * s**(-.95) (Lehr)

classmethod partition_coeff(mol_wt, density)
  • mol_wt – Molecular weight in kg/kmole

  • density – Density in kg/m^3