


Module Contents

class gnome.utilities.weathering.ding_farmer.DingFarmer

Bases: object

classmethod calm_between_wave_breaks(breaking_waves_frac, peak_wave_period)

The time available (calm period) for the droplets to re-float

D&F note that the duration of the breaking event is about half the wave period, presumably 0.5 * T_w, although this is unclear from their text.

classmethod refloat_time(significant_wave_height, water_phase_xfer_velocity)

Assuming that the ‘average’ droplet is inserted to a depth of 0.75 * H_13, calculate the average re-float time T_rfl for the droplet.

classmethod water_column_time_fraction(breaking_waves_frac, peak_wave_period, significant_wave_height, water_phase_xfer_velocity)

The time fraction that the droplet spends in the water column f_wc