JSON outputter Does not contain a schema for persistence yet
Class that outputs data on GNOME particles. |
Class that outputs GNOME current velocity results for each current mover |
Class that outputs GNOME ice property results for each ice mover |
Module Contents¶
- class gnome.outputters.json.SpillJsonOutput(_additional_data=None, include_uncertain_bounds=False, **kwargs)¶
Class that outputs data on GNOME particles. Following is the format for a particle - the data in <> are the results for each element.
{ "certain": { "length":<LENGTH> "longitude": [] "latitude": [] "status_code": [] "mass": [] "spill_num":[] } "uncertain":{ "length":<LENGTH> "longitude": [] "latitude": [] "status_code": [] "mass": [] "spill_num":[] } "uncertain_bounds":{ "length":<LENGTH> "bounds": [] "spill_num":[] } "step_num": <STEP_NUM> "timestamp": <TIMESTAMP> }
- Parameters:
current_movers (list) – A list or collection of current grid mover objects.
use super to pass optional kwargs to base class __init__ method
- include_uncertain_bounds = False¶
- default_unit_map¶
- prepare_for_model_run(model_start_time, spills, uncertain=False, **kwargs)¶
Setup before we run the model.
- generate_cutoff_struct()¶
- write_output(step_num, islast_step=False)¶
dump data in geojson format
- class gnome.outputters.json.CurrentJsonOutput(current_movers, **kwargs)¶
Class that outputs GNOME current velocity results for each current mover in a geojson format. The output is a collection of Features. Each Feature contains a Point object with associated properties. Following is the output format - the data in <> are the results for each element.
{ "time_stamp": <TIME IN ISO FORMAT>, "step_num": <OUTPUT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS STEP NUMBER>, "feature_collections": {<mover_id>: {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "id": <PARTICLE_ID>, "properties": {"velocity": [u, v] }, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [<LONG>, <LAT>] }, }, ... ], }, ... } }
- Parameters:
current_movers (list) – A list or collection of current grid mover objects.
use super to pass optional kwargs to base class __init__ method
- current_movers¶
- write_output(step_num, islast_step=False)¶
dump data in geojson format
- get_rounded_velocities(velocities)¶
- get_unique_velocities(velocities)¶
In order to make numpy perform this function fast, we will use a contiguous structured array using a view of a void type that joins the whole row into a single item.
- get_matching_velocities(velocities, v)¶
- current_movers_to_dict()¶
a dict containing ‘obj_type’ and ‘id’ for each object in list/collection
- class gnome.outputters.json.IceJsonOutput(ice_movers, **kwargs)¶
Class that outputs GNOME ice property results for each ice mover in a raw JSON format. The output contains a dict keyed by mover id. Each value item in the dict contains a list of feature data. Each feature item contains the ice fraction and thickness, and polyonal coordinate data. Following is the output format.
{ "time_stamp": <TIME IN ISO FORMAT>, "step_num": <OUTPUT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS STEP NUMBER>, "feature_collections": {<mover_id>: [[<ICE_CONCENTRATION>, <ICE_THICKNESS>, [[<LONG>, <LAT>], ...], ], ... ], ... } }
- Parameters:
ice_movers (An ice_mover object or sequence of ice_mover objects.) – ice_movers associated with this outputter.
Use super to pass optional kwargs to base class __init__ method
- clean_output_files()¶
this outputter doesn’t write any files
but this method needs to be here
- write_output(step_num, islast_step=False)¶
dump data in geojson format
- rewind()¶
remove previously written files