
image outputters

These will output images for use in the Web client / OpenLayers

NOTE: doesn’t seem to be tested – and may not be used anyway.



Class that outputs ice data as an image for each ice mover.

Module Contents

class gnome.outputters.image.IceImageOutput(ice_movers=None, image_size=(800, 600), projection=None, viewport=None, **kwargs)

Bases: gnome.outputters.Outputter

Class that outputs ice data as an image for each ice mover.

The image is PNG encoded, then Base64 encoded to include in a JSON response.


ice_movers (An ice_mover object or sequence of ice_mover objects.) – ice_movers associated with this outputter.

Use super to pass optional kwargs to base class __init__ method

set_gradient_colors(gradient_name, color_range=((0, 0, 127), (0, 255, 255)), scale=(0.0, 10.0), num_colors=16)

Add a color gradient to our palette representing the colors we will use for our ice thickness

  • gradient_name (str) – The name of the gradient.

  • color_range (A 2 element sequence of 3-tuples containing 8-bit RGB values.) – The colors we will build our gradient with.

  • scale (A 2 element sequence of float) – A range of values representing the low and high end of our gradient.

  • num_colors (Number) – The number of colors to use for the gradient.

add_gradient_to_canvas(color_range, color_prefix, num_colors)

Add a color gradient to our palette

NOTE: Probably not the most efficient way to do this.

  • color_range (A sequence of 2 or more 3-tuples) – The colors that we would like to use to generate our gradient

  • color_prefix (str) – The prefix that will be used in the naming of the colors in the gradient

  • num_colors (Number) – The number of gradient colors to generate

lookup_gradient_color(gradient_name, values)
write_output(step_num, islast_step=False)

Generate image from data


This returns a base 64 encoded PNG image for testing, just so we have something

This should be removed when we have real functionality


render the actual images This uses the MapCanvas code to do the actual rendering

returns: thickness_image, concentration_image


a dict containing ‘obj_type’ and ‘id’ for each object in list/collection