Location Files

Location Files were created to guide users through the model setup for a specific region and are typically limited to major U.S. bays and sounds and adjacent nearshore waters. Each Location File contains pre-packaged information about the tides, currents, and shorelines in the region it covers. WebGNOME uses the Location File information and user input to set up the model.

Location Files are useful for planning but should not be used to model real oil spills! The Location Files are based on climatological or “average” conditions for a specific region. Environmental conditions during an actual spill may differ widely from typical conditions. A useful analogy is an almanac versus a weather forecast – if you are trying to pick a good month to schedule a picnic an almanac may provide guidance. However, if you have a picnic planned for tomorrow, an up to date weather forecast which incorporates recent observations will provide more useful information. Similarly, the Location Files are a valuable resource for planning for a potential future spill but need to be modified to incorporate actual real-time environmental conditions in the case a spill occurs.

Refer to the Getting Started with Location Files page to get started with Location Files

Available Location Files

Alaska Region

Atlantic Region

Gulf of Mexico

Pacific Region
