Sample Scripts Included with PyGNOME

A good way to learn to use PyGNOME is to find an example script that uses similar components to what you need, and use that as a starting point.

There are two sets of scripts included with PyGNOME:

  • py_gnome/scripts/example_scripts: simple examples for using PyGNOME for common use cases.

  • py_gnome/scripts/testing_scripts: scripts set up to test particular aspects of PyGNOME

Example Scripts

The scripts in the example dir may require data found in the example_files directory.

The very simplest script one can write with PyGNOME. Discussed in: Overview

An example of a simple weathering run – weathering is described more in: Weatherers

A script that demonstrates how to use gridded currents and winds from netcdf files.

Demonstration of adding uncertainty to a model, and adjusting the uncertainty parameters of a current mover.

A script that demonstrates how to create a spill from a shape file or list of polygons.

A script that demonstrates how to use ice information from netcdf files to create ice aware movers.

Testing Scripts

The testing scripts can be found in the py_gnome/scripts/testing_scripts dir, in directories named script_*. Each of these contains a make_model() function that builds up a PYGNOME Model configuration, and then the model is run in the if __name__ == "__main" stanza. This is to facilitate them being automatically run – it is not necessary to separate these steps in your own scripts.

There are also a few utilities in the testing_scripts directory: will run a particular script, with various options for output: image output, netcdf output, saving to a “save file”, or reloading from a “save file”. try:

$ python script_runner -h for help will run all the scripts in the directory – good for testing.

But for the most part, you will want to run each script by itself, e.g.:

$ python

Below are summaries of a few of them:


This script used current from the Navy’s HYCOM model, subsetted to a region around the Marianas Islands. The land-water map is a BNA pulled from the GOODS shoreline extractor, with a map_bounds hand added to a larger region.


This script models the Boston & Vicinity location file which includes a component mover (wind-driven currents).


This script models the Long Island location file - a single CATS pattern, wind, and diffusion.


This script uses a gridded time dependent current pattern for Chesapeake Bay.


This script uses the current cycle mover for Passamaquoddy Bay - a set of representative patterns driven by a tide.





This script uses a gridded wind.


This script sets up a subsurface spill and uses the rise velocity mover and 3D diffusion.


This script uses all weatherers and response options (as of 9/2015). Weatherers - evaporation, natural dispersion, sedimentation, and emulsification. Response options - skimmers, chemical dispersion, and burning.