
model bio degradation process



Base Weathering agent. This is almost exactly like the base Mover

Module Contents

class gnome.weatherers.bio_degradation.Biodegradation(waves=None, **kwargs)

Bases: gnome.weatherers.Weatherer

Base Weathering agent. This is almost exactly like the base Mover in the way that it acts upon the model. It contains the same API as the mover as well. Not Serializable since it does is partial implementation

Base weatherer class; defines the API for all weatherers Passes optional arguments to base (Process) class via super. See base class for optional arguments: gnome.movers.mover.Process

adds ‘mass_components’, ‘mass’ to array_types since all weatherers need these.

waves = None
prev_yield_factor = None

Add biodegradation key to mass_balance if it doesn’t exist.

  • Assumes all spills have the same type of oil

  • let’s only define this the first time

initialize_data(sc, num_released)

Initialize needed weathering data arrays but only if ‘on’ is True

bio_degradate_oil(K, data, yield_factor)

Calculate oil bio degradation

K - biodegradation rate coefficients are calculated for

temperate or arctic environment conditions

yield_factor - specific surface value (sq meter per kg)

yield_factor = 1 / ( d * ro) where

d - droplet diameter

ro - droplet density

data[‘mass_components’] - mass of pseudocomponents


Get bio degradation rate coefficient based on component type and its boiling point for temparate or arctic environment conditions. It must take into consideration saturates below C30 and aromatics only.

type_and_bp - a tuple (‘type’, ‘boiling_point’)
  • ‘type’: component type, string

  • ‘boiling_point’: float value

self.arctic - flag for arctic conditions
  • TRUE if arctic conditions (below 6 deg C)

  • FALSE if temperate

Rate units: kg/m^2 per day(!)

weather_elements(sc, time_step, model_time)

weather elements over time_step