
Module Contents



A class for assigning a unique ID for an object

exception gnome.utilities.timeseries.TimeseriesError

Bases: Exception

Error class for a problem with the timeseries check

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class gnome.utilities.timeseries.Timeseries(timeseries=None, filename=None, coord_sys='uv', extrapolation_is_allowed=False, **kwargs)

Bases: gnome.GnomeId

A class for assigning a unique ID for an object

Initializes a timeseries object from either a timeseries or datafile containing the timeseries. If both timeseries and file are given, it will read data from the file

If neither are given, timeseries gets initialized as:

timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)

If user provides timeseries, the default coordinate system is ‘uv’. The C++ stores the data in ‘uv’ coordinates - transformations are done in this Python code (set_timeseries(), get_timeseries()).

C++ code only transforms the data from ‘r-theta’ to ‘uv’ coordinates if data is read from file. And this happens during initialization because C++ stores data in ‘uv’ coordinates internally.

Units option are not included - let derived classes manage units since the units for CyTimeseries (OSSMTimeValue_c) are limited. No unit conversion is performed when get_timeseries, set_timeseries is invoked. It does, however convert between ‘uv’ and ‘r-theta’ depending on the coordinate system specified. Choose coord_sys=’uv’ if no transformation is desired.


For the Wind datafiles, the units will get read from the file. These are stored in ossm.user_units. It would be ideal to remove units and unit conversion from here, but can’t completely do away with it since C++ file reading uses/sets it. But, managing units is responsibility of derived objects.

All other keywords are optional

  • timeseries (numpy.ndarray containing basic_types.datetime_value_2d or basic_types.datetime_value_1d. It gets converted to an array containing basic_types.time_value_pair datatype since that's what the C++ code expects) – numpy array containing time_value_pair

  • filename

    path to a timeseries file from which to read data. Datafile must contain either a 3 line or a 5 line header with following info:

    1. Station Name: name of the station as a string

    2. (long, lat, z): station location as tuple containing floats

    3. units: for wind this is knots, meteres per second or miles per hour. For datafile containing something other than velocity, this should be ‘undefined’

Optional parameters (kwargs):


coord_sys (string 'r-theta' or 'uv'. Default is 'r-theta'. Converts string to integer defined by gnome.basic_types.ts_format.*) – (Optional) default timeseries coordinate system is magnitude direction: ‘r-theta’

property filename
property extrapolation_is_allowed

Run some checks to make sure timeseries is valid.

  • We accept numpy arrays

  • We accept a list of timeseries values of the form

    (datetime(…), (N, N))

  • We also accept a constant single timeseries value.


length is the number of data points in the timeseries


:this will be the real_data_start time (seconds).


:this will be the real_data_stop time (seconds).


Check if values are monotonically increasing

This should catch both out of order and duplicate values.


Ensure input data is numpy array with correct dtype and check timeseries doesn’t have invalid data Derived classes can use this before updating timeseries, prior to converting units.


Return str(self).

get_timeseries(datetime=None, coord_sys='uv')

Returns the timeseries in requested coordinate system. If datetime=None, then the original timeseries that was entered is returned. If datetime is a list containing datetime objects, then the value for each of those date times is determined by the underlying C++ object and the timeseries is returned.

The output coordinate system is defined by the strings ‘r-theta’, ‘uv’

  • datetime (datetime object) – [optional] datetime object or list of datetime objects for which the value is desired

  • coord_sys (either string or integer value defined by basic_types.ts_format.* (see cy_basic_types.pyx)) – output coordinate system for the times series: either ‘r-theta’ or ‘uv’


numpy array containing dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d. Contains user specified datetime and the corresponding values in user specified ts_format

set_timeseries(datetime_value_2d, coord_sys='uv')

Sets the timeseries to the new value given by a numpy array. The coordinate system for the input data defaults to basic_types.format.magnitude_direction but can be changed by the user.

Assumes timeseries is valid so _check_timeseries has been invoked and any unit conversions are done. This function simply converts datetime_value_2d to time_value_pair and updates the data in underlying cython/C++ object

  • datetime_value_2d (numpy array of dtype basic_types.datetime_value_2d) – timeseries of wind data defined in a numpy array

  • coord_sys (either string or integer value defined by basic_types.ts_format.* (see cy_basic_types.pyx)) – output coordinate system for the times series, as defined by basic_types.ts_format.