Code to compute surface surface_concentration from particles
Ultimatley, there may be multiple versions of this – with Cython optimizationas and all that.
compute the surface concentration from the passed-in spill container |
Computes the surface concentration using scipy's |
Module Contents¶
- gnome.utilities.surface_concentration.compute_surface_concentration(sc, algorithm)¶
compute the surface concentration from the passed-in spill container
- Parameters:
sc – spill container – data in it wil be usd, and the results will be put in a “surface_concentration” array
algorithm – algorithm to use – currently only “kde” is supported
- gnome.utilities.surface_concentration.surface_conc_kde(sc)¶
Computes the surface concentration using scipy’s
Kernel Density Estimator code
a “surface_concentration” array will be added to the spill container
- Parameters:
sc – spill container that you want the concentrations computed on