Module to hold classes and supporting code for projections used in GNOME.
no projection
geo-projection (just scaling to pixels)
a simple “flat earth” projection for
Also a bit of code for scaling lat-long to meters, etc.
Used by map_canvas code and map code.
- NOTE: all coordinates are takes as (lon, lat, depth)
even though depth is always ignored
This is do-nothing projection class -- returns what it gets. |
This acts as the base class for other projections |
class to define a "flat earth" projection: |
Projection for lat-lon to pixel and back for a rectangular but not regular |
projection for lat-lon to pixel and back for a pre-defined regular grid. |
utility function to take whatever the heck someone may pass in |
Module Contents¶
- gnome.utilities.projections.to_2d_coords(coords)¶
utility function to take whatever the heck someone may pass in for coordinates and make it an Nx2 array
- Parameters:
input – the input coordinates. they should be one of: a (lon, lat) pair a (lon, lat, depth) triple a Nx2 array-like object of (lon,lat) pairs a Nx3 array-like object of (lon, lat, depth) triples
The depth is ignored in all cases
This is probably overly convenient, but the legacy is there…
- class gnome.utilities.projections.NoProjection(name=None, _appearance=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
This is do-nothing projection class – returns what it gets.
It optionally rounds down to integer (pixel) coordinates
used for testing, primarily, and as a definition of the interface
- set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)¶
Does nothing
- property bounding_box¶
- to_pixel(coords, asint=False)¶
returns the same (lon, lat) coords, but as an np.array, if they aren’t already
- Parameters:
coords (Nx3 numpy array or compatible sequence (lon, lat, depth)) – The coords to project
asint – Flag to set whether to convert to a integer or not default is to leave it as the same type it came in, so you can have fractional pixels
- abstract to_pixel_2D(coords, asint=False)¶
same as to_pixel, but expects only (lon, lat) coords as input.
- Parameters:
coords (Nx2 numpy array or compatible sequence (lon, lat)) – The coords to project
asint – flag to set whether to convert to a integer or not default is to leave it as the same type it came in, so you can have fractional pixels
- to_lonlat(coords)¶
returns the same coords, but as a np.array of float64, if they aren’t already
- class gnome.utilities.projections.GeoProjection(bounding_box=None, image_size=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
This acts as the base class for other projections
This one doesn’t really project, but does convert to pixel coords i.e. “geo-coordinates”
Create a new projection
Projection(bounding_box, image_size)
- Parameters:
bounding_box – The bounding box of the map
image_size (Struct of the form (width, height)) – The size of the map image
- center = None¶
- offset = None¶
- scale = None¶
- image_box = None¶
- property bounding_box¶
- set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)¶
Set the scaling, etc. of the projection
This should be called whenever the bounding box of the map, or the size of the image is changed
- Parameters:
bounding_box (Struct of the form: ((min_long, min_lat), (max_long, max_lat))) – bounding box of the visual portion of the map
image_size=None – The size of the image that will be drawn to. if not given, the previous size will be used.
- to_pixel(coords, asint=False)¶
Converts input coordinates to pixel coords
- Parameters:
coords (Sequence of NX3) – An array of coordinates
- ::
- ((long1, lat1, z1),
(long2, lat2, z2), (long3, lat3, z3), )
(z is ignored, and there is no z in the returned array)
- Returns:
The pixel (x, y) coords as a similar Nx2 array of integer (using the y = 0 at the top, and y increasing down)
- NOTE: The values between the minimum of a pixel value to less than the
max of a pixel range are in that pixel, so a point exactly at the minimum of the bounding box will be in the zeroth pixel, but a point exactly at the max of the bounding box will be considered outside the map
- abstract to_pixel_2D(coords, asint=False)¶
# Fixme: depreciated, as we have to_2d_coords
- to_pixel_multipoint(coords, asint=False)¶
does the to_pixel operation, but on a generic shaped array
- to_lonlat(coords)¶
converts pixel coords to long-lat coords
- Parameters:
coords (Sequence of NX2:: ((long1, lat1), (long2, lat2), (long3, lat3), ... )) – An array of pixel coordinates (usually integer type
(as produced by to_pixel)
- Returns:
The pixel coords as a similar Nx2 array of floating point x,y coordinates (using the y = 0 at the top, and y increasing down)
NOTE: there is not depth in input – pixels are always 2-d!
- NOTE: to_lonlat(to_pixel(coords)) != coords, due to rounding.
If the input is integers, a 0.5 is added to “shift” the location to mid-pixel.
- class gnome.utilities.projections.FlatEarthProjection(bounding_box=None, image_size=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
class to define a “flat earth” projection:
longitude is scaled to the cosine of the mid-latitude – but that’s it.
not conforming to equal area, distance, bearing, or any other nifty map properties – but easy to compute, and it looks OK.
Create a new projection
Projection(bounding_box, image_size)
- Parameters:
bounding_box – The bounding box of the map
image_size (Struct of the form (width, height)) – The size of the map image
- static meters_to_lonlat(meters, ref_positions)¶
Converts from delta meters to delta latitude-longitude, using the Flat-Earth projection.
dlat = dy * 8.9992801e-06 dlon = dy * 8.9992801e-06 * cos(ref_lat) (based on previous GNOME value: and/or average radius of the earth of 6366706.989 m)
- Parameters:
meters (NX3 numpy array of (dx, dy, dz) (dz is passed through untouched)) – Distances in meters
ref_positions (NX3, numpy array (Only lat is used here)) – Reference positions in degrees
- Returns delta_lon_lat:
Differential (delta) positional values Nx3 numpy array of (delta-lon, delta-lat, delta-z)
- static lonlat_to_meters(lon_lat, ref_positions)¶
Converts from delta longitude-latitude to delta meters, using the Flat-Earth projection. This should be a reversal of meters_to_latlon.
This function mainly used for testing
dy = dlon / 8.9992801e-06 dx = dlat / ( 8.9992801e-06 * cos(ref_lat) )
- (based on previous GNOME value: and/or average radius of the earth
of 6366706.989 m)
- NOTE: the input is in units of longitude and latitude, but they are
relative – no absolute – so 0 means zero distance, not on the equator
- Parameters:
lon_lat (NX3 numpy array of (dlon, dlat, dz) (dz is passed through untouched)) – Distances in meters
ref_positions (NX3, numpy array of (lon,lat,z) (Only lat is used here)) – Reference positions in degrees
- Returns delta_meters:
Differential (delta) positional values in meters Nx3 numpy array of (delta-x, delta-y, delta-z) triples
- static geodesic_sphere(lon, lat, distance, bearing)¶
Given a start point, initial bearing, and distance, returns the destination point along a (shortest distance) great circle arc – assuming a spherical earth. Similar to how GNOME does it.
- Parameters:
lon – longitude in decimal degrees.
lat – latitude in decimal degrees.
distance – meters.
bearing – in decimal degrees, measured clockwise from north.
- Returns longitude, latitude:
in degrees.
Code from Brian Zelenke
- NOTE: performance could be improved a lot here if need be
(lots of data copies)
- set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)¶
set the scaling, etc. of the projection
This should be called whenever the bounding box of the map, or the size of the image is changed
- Parameters:
bounding_box (Structure of the form: ((min_long, min_lat), (max_long, max_lat))) – bounding box of the visual portion of the map
image_size=None – the size of the image that will be drawn to. if not given, the previous size will be used.
- class gnome.utilities.projections.RectangularGridProjection(longitude, latitude)¶
Projection for lat-lon to pixel and back for a rectangular but not regular grid.
- i.e. a rectangular grid that can be defined by a single vector each of
latitude and longitude
This is a totally different type of projection. It requires a linear interpolation for the latitude and longitude.
Primarily used for making a raster land-water map from a non-regular rectangular grid.
Create a new Rectangular Grid projection
- Parameters:
longitude – the vector of longitudes
latitude – the vector of latitudes
It is assumed that the largest and smallest values define the bounds of the raster.
- max_lat_index = 0¶
- max_lon_index = 0¶
- min_lon¶
- max_lon¶
- min_lat¶
- max_lat¶
- abstract set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)¶
Does nothing
- to_pixel(coords, asint=False)¶
Returns the pixel coordinates in the grid for the given lat-lon location.
- Parameters:
coords (Nx3 numpy array or compatible sequence (lon, lat, depth)) – The coords to project
asint – Flag to set whether to convert to a integer or not default is to leave it as the same type it came in, so you can have fractional pixels
- abstract to_pixel_2D(coords, asint=False)¶
same as to_pixel, but expects only (lon, lat) coords as input.
- Parameters:
coords (Nx2 numpy array or compatible sequence (lon, lat)) – The coords to project
asint – Flag to set whether to convert to a integer or not default is to leave it as the same type it came in, so you can have fractional pixels
- to_lonlat(coords)¶
Converts pixel coords to long-lat coords
- Parameters:
coords (Sequence of Nx2 (usually integer type):: ((long1, lat1), (long2, lat2), (long3, lat3), ... )) – An array of pixel coordinates (as produced by to_pixel)
- Returns:
the pixel coords as a similar Nx2 array of floating point x,y coordinates (using the y = 0 at the top, and y increasing down)
NOTE: there is not depth in input – pixels are always 2-d!
- NOTE: to_lonlat(to_pixel(coords)) != coords, due to rounding.
If the input is integers, a 0.5 is added to “shift” the location to mid-pixel.
- class gnome.utilities.projections.RegularGridProjection(bounding_box=None, image_size=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
projection for lat-lon to pixel and back for a pre-defined regular grid.
This differs from the other projections in that it doesn’t try to match the bounding box aspect ratio – it simply uses the one already defined by the grid.
You could use a RectangularGridProjection here as well, but this is simpler and should be faster.
Create a new projection
Projection(bounding_box, image_size)
- Parameters:
bounding_box – The bounding box of the map
image_size (Struct of the form (width, height)) – The size of the map image
- set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)¶
Set the scaling, etc. of the projection
This should be called whenever the bounding box of the map, or the size of the image is changed
- Parameters:
bounding_box (Structure of the form: ((min_long, min_lat), (max_long, max_lat))) – Bounding box of the visual portion of the map
image_size=None – The size of the image that will be drawn to. if not given, the previous size will be used.