
Module to hold classes and supporting code for projections used in GNOME.


  • no projection

  • geo-projection (just scaling to pixels)

  • a simple “flat earth” projection for

Also a bit of code for scaling lat-long to meters, etc.

Used by map_canvas code and map code.

NOTE: all coordinates are takes as (lon, lat, depth)

even though depth is always ignored



This is do-nothing projection class -- returns what it gets.


This acts as the base class for other projections


class to define a "flat earth" projection:


Projection for lat-lon to pixel and back for a rectangular but not regular


projection for lat-lon to pixel and back for a pre-defined regular grid.



utility function to take whatever the heck someone may pass in

Module Contents


utility function to take whatever the heck someone may pass in for coordinates and make it an Nx2 array


input – the input coordinates. they should be one of: a (lon, lat) pair a (lon, lat, depth) triple a Nx2 array-like object of (lon,lat) pairs a Nx3 array-like object of (lon, lat, depth) triples

The depth is ignored in all cases

This is probably overly convenient, but the legacy is there…

class gnome.utilities.projections.NoProjection(name=None, _appearance=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: gnome.gnomeobject.GnomeId

This is do-nothing projection class – returns what it gets.

It optionally rounds down to integer (pixel) coordinates

used for testing, primarily, and as a definition of the interface

set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)

Does nothing

property bounding_box
to_pixel(coords, asint=False)

returns the same (lon, lat) coords, but as an np.array, if they aren’t already

  • coords (Nx3 numpy array or compatible sequence (lon, lat, depth)) – The coords to project

  • asint – Flag to set whether to convert to a integer or not default is to leave it as the same type it came in, so you can have fractional pixels

abstract to_pixel_2D(coords, asint=False)

same as to_pixel, but expects only (lon, lat) coords as input.

  • coords (Nx2 numpy array or compatible sequence (lon, lat)) – The coords to project

  • asint – flag to set whether to convert to a integer or not default is to leave it as the same type it came in, so you can have fractional pixels


returns the same coords, but as a np.array of float64, if they aren’t already

class gnome.utilities.projections.GeoProjection(bounding_box=None, image_size=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: gnome.gnomeobject.GnomeId

This acts as the base class for other projections

This one doesn’t really project, but does convert to pixel coords i.e. “geo-coordinates”

Create a new projection

Projection(bounding_box, image_size)

  • bounding_box – The bounding box of the map

  • image_size (Struct of the form (width, height)) – The size of the map image

center = None
offset = None
scale = None
image_box = None
property bounding_box
set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)

Set the scaling, etc. of the projection

This should be called whenever the bounding box of the map, or the size of the image is changed

  • bounding_box (Struct of the form: ((min_long, min_lat), (max_long, max_lat))) – bounding box of the visual portion of the map

  • image_size=None – The size of the image that will be drawn to. if not given, the previous size will be used.

to_pixel(coords, asint=False)

Converts input coordinates to pixel coords


coords (Sequence of NX3) – An array of coordinates

((long1, lat1, z1),

(long2, lat2, z2), (long3, lat3, z3), )

(z is ignored, and there is no z in the returned array)


The pixel (x, y) coords as a similar Nx2 array of integer (using the y = 0 at the top, and y increasing down)

NOTE: The values between the minimum of a pixel value to less than the

max of a pixel range are in that pixel, so a point exactly at the minimum of the bounding box will be in the zeroth pixel, but a point exactly at the max of the bounding box will be considered outside the map

abstract to_pixel_2D(coords, asint=False)

# Fixme: depreciated, as we have to_2d_coords

to_pixel_multipoint(coords, asint=False)

does the to_pixel operation, but on a generic shaped array


converts pixel coords to long-lat coords


coords (Sequence of NX2:: ((long1, lat1), (long2, lat2), (long3, lat3), ... )) – An array of pixel coordinates (usually integer type

(as produced by to_pixel)


The pixel coords as a similar Nx2 array of floating point x,y coordinates (using the y = 0 at the top, and y increasing down)

NOTE: there is not depth in input – pixels are always 2-d!

NOTE: to_lonlat(to_pixel(coords)) != coords, due to rounding.

If the input is integers, a 0.5 is added to “shift” the location to mid-pixel.

class gnome.utilities.projections.FlatEarthProjection(bounding_box=None, image_size=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: GeoProjection

class to define a “flat earth” projection:

longitude is scaled to the cosine of the mid-latitude – but that’s it.

not conforming to equal area, distance, bearing, or any other nifty map properties – but easy to compute, and it looks OK.

Create a new projection

Projection(bounding_box, image_size)

  • bounding_box – The bounding box of the map

  • image_size (Struct of the form (width, height)) – The size of the map image

static meters_to_lonlat(meters, ref_positions)

Converts from delta meters to delta latitude-longitude, using the Flat-Earth projection.

dlat = dy * 8.9992801e-06 dlon = dy * 8.9992801e-06 * cos(ref_lat) (based on previous GNOME value: and/or average radius of the earth of 6366706.989 m)

  • meters (NX3 numpy array of (dx, dy, dz) (dz is passed through untouched)) – Distances in meters

  • ref_positions (NX3, numpy array (Only lat is used here)) – Reference positions in degrees

Returns delta_lon_lat:

Differential (delta) positional values Nx3 numpy array of (delta-lon, delta-lat, delta-z)

static lonlat_to_meters(lon_lat, ref_positions)

Converts from delta longitude-latitude to delta meters, using the Flat-Earth projection. This should be a reversal of meters_to_latlon.

This function mainly used for testing

dy = dlon / 8.9992801e-06 dx = dlat / ( 8.9992801e-06 * cos(ref_lat) )

(based on previous GNOME value: and/or average radius of the earth

of 6366706.989 m)

NOTE: the input is in units of longitude and latitude, but they are

relative – no absolute – so 0 means zero distance, not on the equator

  • lon_lat (NX3 numpy array of (dlon, dlat, dz) (dz is passed through untouched)) – Distances in meters

  • ref_positions (NX3, numpy array of (lon,lat,z) (Only lat is used here)) – Reference positions in degrees

Returns delta_meters:

Differential (delta) positional values in meters Nx3 numpy array of (delta-x, delta-y, delta-z) triples

static geodesic_sphere(lon, lat, distance, bearing)

Given a start point, initial bearing, and distance, returns the destination point along a (shortest distance) great circle arc – assuming a spherical earth. Similar to how GNOME does it.

  • lon – longitude in decimal degrees.

  • lat – latitude in decimal degrees.

  • distance – meters.

  • bearing – in decimal degrees, measured clockwise from north.

Returns longitude, latitude:

in degrees.

Code from Brian Zelenke

NOTE: performance could be improved a lot here if need be

(lots of data copies)

set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)

set the scaling, etc. of the projection

This should be called whenever the bounding box of the map, or the size of the image is changed

  • bounding_box (Structure of the form: ((min_long, min_lat), (max_long, max_lat))) – bounding box of the visual portion of the map

  • image_size=None – the size of the image that will be drawn to. if not given, the previous size will be used.

class gnome.utilities.projections.RectangularGridProjection(longitude, latitude)

Bases: NoProjection

Projection for lat-lon to pixel and back for a rectangular but not regular grid.

i.e. a rectangular grid that can be defined by a single vector each of

latitude and longitude

This is a totally different type of projection. It requires a linear interpolation for the latitude and longitude.

Primarily used for making a raster land-water map from a non-regular rectangular grid.

Create a new Rectangular Grid projection

  • longitude – the vector of longitudes

  • latitude – the vector of latitudes

It is assumed that the largest and smallest values define the bounds of the raster.

max_lat_index = 0
max_lon_index = 0
abstract set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)

Does nothing

to_pixel(coords, asint=False)

Returns the pixel coordinates in the grid for the given lat-lon location.

  • coords (Nx3 numpy array or compatible sequence (lon, lat, depth)) – The coords to project

  • asint – Flag to set whether to convert to a integer or not default is to leave it as the same type it came in, so you can have fractional pixels

abstract to_pixel_2D(coords, asint=False)

same as to_pixel, but expects only (lon, lat) coords as input.

  • coords (Nx2 numpy array or compatible sequence (lon, lat)) – The coords to project

  • asint – Flag to set whether to convert to a integer or not default is to leave it as the same type it came in, so you can have fractional pixels


Converts pixel coords to long-lat coords


coords (Sequence of Nx2 (usually integer type):: ((long1, lat1), (long2, lat2), (long3, lat3), ... )) – An array of pixel coordinates (as produced by to_pixel)


the pixel coords as a similar Nx2 array of floating point x,y coordinates (using the y = 0 at the top, and y increasing down)

NOTE: there is not depth in input – pixels are always 2-d!

NOTE: to_lonlat(to_pixel(coords)) != coords, due to rounding.

If the input is integers, a 0.5 is added to “shift” the location to mid-pixel.

class gnome.utilities.projections.RegularGridProjection(bounding_box=None, image_size=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: GeoProjection

projection for lat-lon to pixel and back for a pre-defined regular grid.

This differs from the other projections in that it doesn’t try to match the bounding box aspect ratio – it simply uses the one already defined by the grid.

You could use a RectangularGridProjection here as well, but this is simpler and should be faster.

Create a new projection

Projection(bounding_box, image_size)

  • bounding_box – The bounding box of the map

  • image_size (Struct of the form (width, height)) – The size of the map image

set_scale(bounding_box, image_size=None)

Set the scaling, etc. of the projection

This should be called whenever the bounding box of the map, or the size of the image is changed

  • bounding_box (Structure of the form: ((min_long, min_lat), (max_long, max_lat))) – Bounding box of the visual portion of the map

  • image_size=None – The size of the image that will be drawn to. if not given, the previous size will be used.