Generalized Container for a set of objects of a particular type which |
Module Contents¶
- class gnome.utilities.orderedcollection.OrderedCollection(elems=None, dtype=None)¶
Generalized Container for a set of objects of a particular type which preserves the order of insertion and supports replacement of not only an object in the list, but the key/id that references it. (a normal OrderedDict can’t do this) - The order of insertion is preserved. - Objects are accessed by id, as if in a dictionary. - Objects can be replaced in order. The objects will be referenced by a new id, and still be in the correct order.
- callbacks = []¶
- remake()¶
remove None elements from self._elems and renumber the indices in self._d_index
- get(ident)¶
can get the object either by ‘id’ or by index in the order in which it was added
- add(elem)¶
Add an object to the collection
- append(elem)¶
- remove(ident)¶
Remove an object from the collection: 1) can remove by index (similar to a list) 2) can remove by id of object (similar to a dict)
- replace(ident, new_elem)¶
replace an object in the collection: 1) replace by index (similar to a list) 2) replace by id of object (similar to a dict)
raise exception if ‘id’ is not found.
- index(elem)¶
acts like index method in a list. It returns the index associated with self._elems[index] = elem It can also take the ‘id’ as input and returns the index of the object in the list
- update(cstruct, refs=None)¶
cstruct is meant to be a list of COMPLETE object serializations, or GnomeID appstructs (refs to existing objects).
- to_dict()¶
Method takes the instance of ordered collection and outputs a list of dicts, each with two fields:
{obj_type: object type <module.class>, id: IDs of each object}
- register_callback(callback, events=('add', 'replace', 'remove'))¶
callbacks registered for following events: - add: item is added - replace: - remove: callback invoked after removing the item
- fire_event(event, obj_)¶
- clear()¶
clear all elements from collection
- values()¶
return list of items contained in collection