
Classes that generate various types of probability distributions





Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know


Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know


Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know


Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know


Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know




Return a distribution object corresponding to its name

Module Contents


Return a distribution object corresponding to its name

note: this isn’t really helpful until / unless we standardize the initialization interface.

class gnome.utilities.distributions.DistributionBase(name=None, _appearance=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: gnome.gnomeobject.GnomeId

Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know what is a distribution class

At them moment, all they need is a set_values method

NOTE: if possible, it would be good to have the same interface to all distributions. For example, see: the distributions in numpy.random. for example:

random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)

all distribution have a location and a scale, which have different meanings depending on the distribution.

abstract set_values(np_array)
class gnome.utilities.distributions.UniformDistribution(low=0.0, high=0.1, **kwargs)

Bases: DistributionBase

Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know what is a distribution class

At them moment, all they need is a set_values method

NOTE: if possible, it would be good to have the same interface to all distributions. For example, see: the distributions in numpy.random. for example:

random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)

all distribution have a location and a scale, which have different meanings depending on the distribution.

  • low – For the Uniform distribution, it is lower bound.

  • high – For the Uniform distribution, it is upper bound.

low = 0.0
high = 0.1
class gnome.utilities.distributions.NormalDistribution(mean=0.0, sigma=0.1, **kwargs)

Bases: DistributionBase

Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know what is a distribution class

At them moment, all they need is a set_values method

NOTE: if possible, it would be good to have the same interface to all distributions. For example, see: the distributions in numpy.random. for example:

random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)

all distribution have a location and a scale, which have different meanings depending on the distribution.

  • mean – The mean of the normal distribution

  • sigma – The standard deviation of normal distribution

mean = 0.0
sigma = 0.1
class gnome.utilities.distributions.LogNormalDistribution(mean=0.0, sigma=0.1, **kwargs)

Bases: DistributionBase

Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know what is a distribution class

At them moment, all they need is a set_values method

NOTE: if possible, it would be good to have the same interface to all distributions. For example, see: the distributions in numpy.random. for example:

random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)

all distribution have a location and a scale, which have different meanings depending on the distribution.

  • mean – The mean of the normal distribution

  • sigma – The standard deviation of normal distribution

mean = 0.0
sigma = 0.1
class gnome.utilities.distributions.WeibullDistribution(alpha=None, lambda_=1.0, min_=None, max_=None, **kwargs)

Bases: DistributionBase

Base class for distributions, just to make it easier to know what is a distribution class

At them moment, all they need is a set_values method

NOTE: if possible, it would be good to have the same interface to all distributions. For example, see: the distributions in numpy.random. for example:

random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)

all distribution have a location and a scale, which have different meanings depending on the distribution.

  • alpha – The shape parameter ‘alpha’ - labeled as ‘a’ in numpy.random.weibull distribution

  • lambda – The scale parameter for the distribution - required for 2-parameter weibull distribution (Rosin-Rammler).

NOTE: underscore names because min, max, and lambda are Python


alpha = None
lambda_ = 1.0
min_ = None
max_ = None
class gnome.utilities.distributions.RayleighDistribution
classmethod sigma_from_wind(avg_speed)
classmethod pdf(x, sigma)
classmethod cdf(x, sigma)
classmethod quantile(f, sigma)