utilities for scripting gnome
assorted utilities that make it easier to write scripts to automate gnome
designed to be imported into the package
remember to add anyting new you want imported to “__all__”
class to capture stdout so that you can find print statements |
Create output directory for rendered images. |
remove netcdf_file and associated uncertain netcdf file |
Set the logging system to dump to the console -- |
Module Contents¶
- gnome.scripting.utilities.make_images_dir(images_dir=None)¶
Create output directory for rendered images. If it already exists, delete all old output files
- gnome.scripting.utilities.remove_netcdf(netcdf_file)¶
remove netcdf_file and associated uncertain netcdf file
Give scripts control over deleting the netcdf file before instantiating a new NetCDFOutput object.
- gnome.scripting.utilities.set_verbose(log_level='info')¶
Set the logging system to dump to the console – you can see much more what’s going on with the model as it runs
- Parameters:
log_level='info' – the level you want your log to show. options are, in order of importance: “debug”, “info”, “warning”, “error”, “critical”.
You will only get the logging messages at or above the level you set. Set to “debug” for everything.
- class gnome.scripting.utilities.PrintFinder¶
class to capture stdout so that you can find print statements
This will print the file, line number, and line after a print statement
To use, simply create an instance in your script
IF you want to be able to put it back, save it and call:
pf = PrintFinder()
initialize a PrintFinder object
This captures stdout when it is initialized
- stdout¶
- write(content)¶
The stream write method – intercepts the write to stdout, writes to original stdout, then adds some traceback info.
- restore()¶
sets stdout back to the original
- flush()¶
forwards a flush call on to the original stdout