


init_viscosity(sc, num_released[, water, aggregate])

Initializes the viscosity of the last num_rel elements of a spill container (sc),

recalc_viscosity(sc[, water, aggregate])

Recalculates the viscosity of the elements in a spill container.

Module Contents

gnome.ops.viscosity.init_viscosity(sc, num_released, water=None, aggregate=True)

Initializes the viscosity of the last num_rel elements of a spill container (sc), taking into account environmental conditions.

  • sc – spill container

  • num_rel – int

  • water – Water object to use. If None, uses default values

  • aggregate – Flag for whether to trigger mass balance updates in spill container

gnome.ops.viscosity.recalc_viscosity(sc, water=None, aggregate=True)

Recalculates the viscosity of the elements in a spill container. :param sc: spill container :param water: Water object to use. If None, uses default :param aggregate: Flag for whether to trigger mass balance updates in spill container