This is an example mover class – not really useful, but about as simple as can be, for testing and demonstration purposes
It’s a steady, uniform current – one velocity and direction for everywhere at all time.
simple_mover |
Module Contents¶
- class gnome.movers.simple_mover.SimpleMover(velocity=0, uncertainty_scale=0.5, **kwargs)¶
a really simple mover – moves all LEs a constant speed and direction
- (not all that different than a constant wind mover, now that I
think about it)
simple_mover (velocity)
create a simple_mover instance
- Parameters:
velocity – a (u, v, w) triple – in meters per second
uncertainty_scale=0.5 – the scale of the uncertainty of the velocity
Remaining kwargs are passed onto Mover’s __init__ using super. See Mover documentation for remaining valid kwargs.
- velocity¶
- uncertainty_scale = 0.5¶
- get_move(spill, time_step, model_time)¶
moves the particles defined in the spill object
- Parameters:
spill – spill is an instance of the gnome.spills.Spill class
time_step – time_step in seconds
model_time – current model time as a datetime object
In this case, it uses the positions and status_code data arrays.
- Returns delta:
Nx3 numpy array of movement – in (long, lat, meters) units