Movers using currents and tides as forcing functions
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit |
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit |
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit |
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit |
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit |
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit |
Module Contents¶
- class gnome.movers.c_current_movers.CurrentMoversBase(uncertain_duration=24, uncertain_time_delay=0, **kwargs)¶
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit
It defines the base functionality for mover/weatherer.
- NOTE: Since base class is not Serializable, it does not need
a class level _schema attribute.
set common properties children should define self.mover, then we can set common properties
- uncertain_duration = 24¶
- uncertain_time_delay = 0¶
- get_triangles()¶
Invokes the GetToplogyHdl method of TimeGridVel_c object. Cross-references point data to get triangle coordinates.
- get_cells()¶
Invokes the GetCellDataHdl method of TimeGridVel_c object. Cross-references point data to get cell coordinates.
- get_triangle_center_points()¶
Right now the cython mover only gets the triangular center points.
- get_cell_center_points()¶
Right now the cython mover only gets the triangular center points, so we need to calculate centers based on the cells themselves.
Cells will have the format (tl, tr, bl, br) We need to get the rectangular centers Center will be: (tl + ((br - tl) / 2.))
- get_points()¶
- get_bounds()¶
Right now the cython mover only gets the triangular center points.
- class gnome.movers.c_current_movers.CatsMover(filename=None, tide=None, uncertain_duration=48, **kwargs)¶
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit
It defines the base functionality for mover/weatherer.
- NOTE: Since base class is not Serializable, it does not need
a class level _schema attribute.
Uses super to invoke base class __init__ method.
- Parameters:
filename – file containing currents patterns for Cats
Optional parameters (kwargs). Defaults are defined by CyCatsMover object.
- Parameters:
tide – a gnome.environment.Tide object to be attached to CatsMover
scale – a boolean to indicate whether to scale value at reference point or not
scale_value – value used for scaling at reference point
scale_refpoint – reference location (long, lat, z). The scaling applied to all data is determined by scaling the raw value at this location.
uncertain_duration – how often does a given uncertain element gets reset
uncertain_time_delay – when does the uncertainly kick in.
up_cur_uncertain – Scale for uncertainty along the flow
down_cur_uncertain – Scale for uncertainty along the flow
right_cur_uncertain – Scale for uncertainty across the flow
left_cur_uncertain – Scale for uncertainty across the flow
uncertain_eddy_diffusion – Diffusion coefficient for eddy diffusion. Default is 0.
uncertain_eddy_v0 – Default is .1 (Check that this is still used)
Remaining kwargs are passed onto Mover’s __init__ using super. See Mover documentation for remaining valid kwargs.
- mover¶
- up_cur_uncertain¶
- down_cur_uncertain¶
- right_cur_uncertain¶
- left_cur_uncertain¶
- uncertain_eddy_diffusion¶
- uncertain_eddy_v0¶
- scale¶
- scale_value¶
- filename¶
- property ref_scale¶
- property scale_refpoint¶
- property tide¶
- property data_start¶
- property data_stop¶
- get_grid_data()¶
Invokes the GetToplogyHdl method of TriGridVel_c object
- get_center_points()¶
- get_scaled_velocities(model_time)¶
Get file values scaled to ref pt value, with tide applied (if any)
- class gnome.movers.c_current_movers.c_GridCurrentMover(filename, topology_file=None, extrapolate=False, time_offset=0, current_scale=1, uncertain_along=0.5, uncertain_across=0.25, uncertain_cross=0.25, num_method='Euler', **kwargs)¶
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit
It defines the base functionality for mover/weatherer.
- NOTE: Since base class is not Serializable, it does not need
a class level _schema attribute.
Initialize a c_GridCurrentMover
- Parameters:
filename – absolute or relative path to the data file: could be netcdf or filelist
topology_file=None – absolute or relative path to topology file. If not given, the c_GridCurrentMover will compute the topology from the data file.
active_range (2-tuple of datetimes) – Range of datetimes for when the mover should be active
current_scale – Value to scale current data
uncertain_duration – how often does a given uncertain element get reset
uncertain_time_delay – when does the uncertainly kick in.
uncertain_cross – Scale for uncertainty perpendicular to the flow
uncertain_along – Scale for uncertainty parallel to the flow
extrapolate – Allow current data to be extrapolated before and after file data
time_offset – Time zone shift if data is in GMT
num_method – Numerical method for calculating movement delta. Default Euler option: Runga-Kutta 4 (RK4)
uses super,
- filename¶
- name¶
define as property in base class so all objects will have a name by default
- topology_file = None¶
- current_scale = 1¶
- uncertain_along = 0.5¶
- uncertain_across = 0.25¶
- uncertain_cross = 0.25¶
- property num_method¶
- extrapolate¶
- time_offset¶
- property data_start¶
- property data_stop¶
- property is_data_on_cells¶
- get_grid_data()¶
The main function for getting grid data from the mover
- get_center_points()¶
- get_scaled_velocities(time)¶
- Parameters:
time=0 – model time in integer seconds
- export_topology(topology_file)¶
- Parameters:
topology_file=None – absolute or relative path where topology file will be written.
- extrapolate_in_time(extrapolate)¶
- Parameters:
extrapolate=false – allow current data to be extrapolated before and after file data.
- offset_time(time_offset)¶
- Parameters:
offset_time=0 – allow data to be in GMT with a time zone offset (hours).
- get_offset_time()¶
- Parameters:
offset_time=0 – allow data to be in GMT with a time zone offset (hours).
- get_start_time()¶
:this will be the real_data_start time (seconds).
- get_end_time()¶
:this will be the real_data_stop time (seconds).
- get_num_method()¶
- class gnome.movers.c_current_movers.IceMover(filename=None, topology_file=None, current_scale=1, uncertain_along=0.5, uncertain_cross=0.25, extrapolate=False, time_offset=0, **kwargs)¶
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit
It defines the base functionality for mover/weatherer.
- NOTE: Since base class is not Serializable, it does not need
a class level _schema attribute.
Initialize an IceMover
- Parameters:
filename – absolute or relative path to the data file: could be netcdf or filelist
topology_file=None – absolute or relative path to topology file. If not given, the IceMover will compute the topology from the data file.
active_range (2-tuple of datetimes) – Range of datetimes for when the mover should be active
current_scale – Value to scale current data
uncertain_duration – how often does a given uncertain element get reset
uncertain_time_delay – when does the uncertainly kick in.
uncertain_cross – Scale for uncertainty perpendicular to the flow
uncertain_along – Scale for uncertainty parallel to the flow
extrapolate – Allow current data to be extrapolated before and after file data
time_offset – Time zone shift if data is in GMT
uses super,
- filename = None¶
- name¶
define as property in base class so all objects will have a name by default
- topology_file = None¶
- extrapolate = False¶
- uncertain_along = 0.5¶
- uncertain_cross = 0.25¶
- current_scale = 1¶
- time_offset¶
- get_grid_data()¶
- get_grid_bounding_box(grid_data=None, box_to_merge=None)¶
Return a bounding box surrounding the grid data.
- Parameters:
grid_data (A sequence of 3-tuples or 4-tuples containing (long, lat) pairs.) – The point data of our grid.
box_to_merge – A bounding box to surround in combination with our grid data. This allows us to pad the bounding box that we generate.
- get_center_points()¶
- get_scaled_velocities(model_time)¶
- Parameters:
model_time=0 – datetime in integer seconds
- get_ice_velocities(model_time)¶
- Parameters:
- get_movement_velocities(model_time)¶
- Parameters:
- get_ice_fields(model_time)¶
- Parameters:
- export_topology(topology_file)¶
- Parameters:
topology_file=None – absolute or relative path where topology file will be written.
- extrapolate_in_time(extrapolate)¶
- Parameters:
extrapolate=false – allow current data to be extrapolated before and after file data.
- offset_time(time_offset)¶
- Parameters:
offset_time=0 – allow data to be in GMT with a time zone offset (hours).
- get_offset_time()¶
- Parameters:
offset_time=0 – allow data to be in GMT with a time zone offset (hours).
- class gnome.movers.c_current_movers.CurrentCycleMover(filename=None, topology_file=None, tide=None, **kwargs)¶
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit
It defines the base functionality for mover/weatherer.
- NOTE: Since base class is not Serializable, it does not need
a class level _schema attribute.
Initialize a CurrentCycleMover
- Parameters:
filename – Absolute or relative path to the data file: could be netcdf or filelist
topology_file=None – Absolute or relative path to topology file. If not given, the c_GridCurrentMover will compute the topology from the data file.
tide – A gnome.environment.Tide object to be attached to CatsMover
active_range (2-tuple of datetimes) – Range of datetimes for when the mover should be active
current_scale – Value to scale current data
uncertain_duration – How often does a given uncertain element get reset
uncertain_time_delay – when does the uncertainly kick in.
uncertain_cross – Scale for uncertainty perpendicular to the flow
uncertain_along – Scale for uncertainty parallel to the flow
extrapolate – Allow current data to be extrapolated before and after file data
time_offset – Time zone shift if data is in GMT
uses super: super(CurrentCycleMover,self).__init__(**kwargs)
- mover¶
- property tide¶
- property data_start¶
- property data_stop¶
- property is_data_on_cells¶
- get_center_points()¶
- get_scaled_velocities(time)¶
- Parameters:
time=0 – datetime in integer seconds
- class gnome.movers.c_current_movers.ComponentMover(filename1=None, filename2=None, wind=None, scale_refpoint=None, pat1_angle=0, pat1_speed=10, pat1_speed_units=2, pat1_scale_to_value=0.1, pat2_angle=90, pat2_scale_to_value=0.1, pat2_speed=10, pat2_speed_units=2, scale_by=0, **kwargs)¶
Base class from which all Python movers/weatherers can inherit
It defines the base functionality for mover/weatherer.
- NOTE: Since base class is not Serializable, it does not need
a class level _schema attribute.
Uses super to invoke base class __init__ method.
- Parameters:
filename – file containing currents for first Cats pattern
Optional parameters (kwargs). Defaults are defined by CyCatsMover object.
- Parameters:
filename – file containing currents for second Cats pattern
wind – A gnome.environment.Wind object to be used to drive the CatsMovers. Will want a warning that mover will not be active without a wind
scale – A boolean to indicate whether to scale value at reference point or not
scale_value – Value used for scaling at reference point
scale_refpoint – Reference location (long, lat, z). The scaling applied to all data is determined by scaling the raw value at this location.
Remaining kwargs are passed onto Mover’s __init__ using super. See Mover documentation for remaining valid kwargs.
- filename1 = None¶
- filename2 = None¶
- mover¶
- scale_by = 0¶
- property scale_refpoint¶
- pat1_angle = 0¶
- pat1_speed = 10¶
- pat1_speed_units = 2¶
- pat1_scale_to_value = 0.1¶
- pat2_angle = 90¶
- pat2_scale_to_value = 0.1¶
- pat2_speed = 10¶
- pat2_speed_units = 2¶
- extrapolate¶
- use_averaged_winds¶
- wind_power_factor¶
- past_hours_to_average¶
- scale_factor_averaged_winds¶
- use_original_scale_factor¶
- property data_start¶
- property data_stop¶
- property wind¶
- get_grid_data()¶
Invokes the GetToplogyHdl method of TriGridVel_c object
- get_center_points()¶
- get_optimize_values(model_time)¶
- get_scaled_velocities(model_time)¶
Get file values scaled to optimized check if pat2 exists