Module that provides the names used when processing netcdf files
Each type of Environment object has a set of names that it uses to determine what the contents of a netcdf file are.
These are “standard names”, as defined by the CF metadata standard:
These are the best options to use, as the are standardized. When loading a netcdf file, the Environment objects will first look for variable with cf_names, to identify their meaning. If no variables exist with the standard names, then common variable names will be used.
These are common variable names used for the variables PyGNOME uses. If you set the variable names in a netcdf files to one these names, PyGNOME should be able to load the file.
Name Mapping:
Default Names: temp, water_t, TEMP, WATER_T
CF Standard Names: sea_water_temperature, sea_surface_temperature
Default Names: salt, SALT
CF Standard Names: sea_water_salinity, sea_surface_salinity
Default Names: sand_06, SAND_06
CF Standard Names:
Default Names: aice, ice_fraction, AICE, ICE_FRACTION
CF Standard Names: sea_ice_area_fraction
Default Names: H, h
CF Standard Names: depth
Default Names for u: water_u, u_sur, WATER_U, CURR_UCMP, u_surface, u, U_SUR, U_SURFACE, U, curr_ucmp
Default Names for v: V, curr_vcmp, v_surface, v_sur, CURR_VCMP, V_SUR, v, water_v, WATER_V, V_SURFACE
Default Names for w: W, w
CF Standard Names for u: eastward_sea_water_velocity, surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity
CF Standard Names for v: northward_sea_water_velocity, surface_northward_sea_water_velocity
CF Standard Names for w: upward_sea_water_velocity
Default Names for u: AIR_UCMP, wind_u, air_ucmp, Air_U, WIND_U, AIR_U, UWIND, air_u, U-COMPONENT_OF_WIND_HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND, u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground, u10, Uwind, U10
Default Names for v: Air_V, air_vcmp, VWIND, v10, V10, air_v, AIR_VCMP, V-COMPONENT_OF_WIND_HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND, WIND_V, wind_v, v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground, Vwind, AIR_V
CF Standard Names for u: eastward_wind, eastward wind
CF Standard Names for v: northward_wind, northward wind
Default Names for u: ice_u, UUICE, uice, uuice, ICE_U, UICE
Default Names for v: VICE, vice, ICE_V, VVICE, ice_v, vvice
CF Standard Names for u: eastward_sea_ice_velocity
CF Standard Names for v: northward_sea_ice_velocity
This function will go through the name mapping, and add capitalized |
function to insert the names table into the docstring |
This builds the table of names for the docstring (and the docs) |
Module Contents¶
- gnome.environment.names.nc_names¶
- gnome.environment.names.capitalize_name_mapping(name_map)¶
This function will go through the name mapping, and add capitalized versions of all the default_names
NOTE: the name_map is changed in place.
- gnome.environment.names.insert_names_table(table_text)¶
function to insert the names table into the docstring
should be run when name mapping is updated.
- gnome.environment.names.build_names_table()¶
This builds the table of names for the docstring (and the docs)
NOTE: it could use some fancier rst formatting …