:py:mod:`gnome.utilities.weathering.stokes` =========================================== .. py:module:: gnome.utilities.weathering.stokes Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: gnome.utilities.weathering.stokes.Stokes .. py:class:: Stokes Bases: :py:obj:`object` .. py:method:: water_phase_xfer_velocity(oil_water_rho_delta, diameter) :staticmethod: water phase transfer velocity k_w (m/s) This assumes spherical droplets with a diameter < 400 microns. Bigger droplets will be distorted and rise more rapidly, and they are presumed to rise so quickly that little dissolution takes place for them except as part of the dissolution from the surface slick. :param oil_water_rho_delta: density difference (unit-less) :param diameter: droplet diameter (m) :returns: transfer velocity (m/s)