:py:mod:`gnome.outputters.shape` ================================ .. py:module:: gnome.outputters.shape .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Shapefile Outputter Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: gnome.outputters.shape.ShapeOutput .. py:class:: ShapeOutput(filename, zip_output=True, include_certain_boundary=False, certain_boundary_separate_by_spill=True, certain_boundary_hull_ratio=0.5, certain_boundary_hull_allow_holes=False, include_uncertain_boundary=True, uncertain_boundary_separate_by_spill=True, uncertain_boundary_hull_ratio=0.5, uncertain_boundary_hull_allow_holes=False, surface_conc='kde', **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`gnome.outputters.outputter.Outputter` class that outputs GNOME results (particles) in a shapefile format. :param filename: Full path and basename of the shape file. :param zip_output=True: Whether to zip up the output shape files. :param surface_conc="kde": Method to use to compute surface concentration current options are: 'kde' and None .. py:attribute:: _schema .. py:attribute:: time_formatter :value: '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M' .. py:method:: __del__() .. py:method:: prepare_for_model_run(model_start_time, spills, uncertain=False, **kwargs) If uncertainty is on, then SpillContainerPair object contains identical _data_arrays in both certain and uncertain SpillContainer's, the data itself is different, but they contain the same type of data arrays. If uncertain, then data arrays for uncertain spill container are written. .. py:method:: write_output(step_num, islast_step=False) Dump a timestep's data into the shapefile .. py:method:: post_model_run() The final step to wrap everything up .. py:method:: create_bundle(uncertain) Create a shapefile bundle including both certain and uncertain shapefiles .. py:method:: rewind() reset a few parameter and call base class rewind to reset internal variables. .. py:method:: clean_output_files() deletes ouput files that may be around called by prepare_for_model_run here in case it needs to be called from elsewhere